“I assure you, Mr. Aldridge, Mrs. Scofield was in perfect health,” Watson said.
“Well, I’m convinced foul play of some sort is afoot. Otherwise, her soul would be here,” Dashiell explained.
“What if her death was natural?”
“Well, a violent end will prolong a soul’s stay. Sometimes well beyond the six hours that is typically observed. But any soul is able to be summoned for six hours after death in typical circumstances. Clearly, that’s not what we’re dealing with here.”
“So what’s your next step, Mr. Aldridge?” Watson asked.
“Well, the next step is to talk to the last people to see Mrs. Scofield alive. From what you’ve told me, that would be this reporter and photographer from Washington Woman. Who was it that came to interview Mrs. Scofield?”
Watson reached into the inside breast pocket of his coat and pulled out a small PDA. “The reporter they sent was named Jessica Hill. The photographer was Carolyn Bartlett.”
“Yes,” Watson confirmed. “I assumed that’s why the magazine chose her. Mrs. Scofield would have insisted on the best. They sidestepped the need for her to ask by hiring Ms. Bartlett in the first place.”
Dashiell took some quick notes on a small pad. While he was well versed in using computers, for field work he still preferred the old fashioned way.
“Well, Mr. Watson, I don’t think there’s anything else we need from you at this time. I’m going to try and get appointments to meet with Ms. Hill and Ms. Bartlett. Although the second interview could be a bit tricky.”
“I may be able to help you out there, Dash,”
“You think the Captain will let you work with me on this?”
“My plate’s pretty clean right now. And you’ve convinced me there’s something funny going on. What with it being Mrs. Scofield, the Chief will want a full investigation, and the Captain will comply. I’ll give him a call on our way to the office of Washington Woman.”
Awww, I was secretly hoping for more magic. =P Ah well. Movin' it along splendidly anyway. This makes more sense that just a magical deus-ex-machina oh-THERE'S-where-her-soul-was-hiding anyway. ^_^
Thank you Pan. Trust me, I have a plan.
More magic will be in the offing.
Oh, I'm sure, since it's a magical story by nature. =P I just got all excited by all the talk of souls and spells. ^_^;; The nothing that happened was kind of amusing, actually. I can just imagine being Dash at first..."No really guys, I did it right! Her uh soul must have um left already really!" Poor guy.
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